A Dornier’s exclusive for Delta® III series
Optimizes suboptimal imaging in challenging clinical scenarios involving obese patients, intestinal gas, or bony structure overlays.
Facilitates effective follow-up treatments and diagnoses through better verification of procedure success.
Enhances captured X-Ray images in both Fluoroscopy (Last Image Hold) and Snapshot without further exposure to radiation.
Further refines visual information by using intelligent image processing software to analyze noise, brightness, and contrast levels.
With just one click, OptiVision® automatically minimizes noise while maximizing details.
OptiVision® works without overwriting original image data, ensuring a backup option.
Images were taken through an image intensifier and enhanced by OptiVision®.
OptiVision® is available as an optional add-on to the Dornier UIMSTM, which is offered in combination with the Dornier Delta® III series.
Confidence in the identification of stones during pre and post ESWL
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