The COVID-19 outbreak has had immense impact on our healthcare systems and brought greater attention to the importance of non-invasive procedures.
Join us and find out more as our urology experts discuss the future of non-invasive urolithiasis treatment options and the evolving role of SWL during and after the pandemic.
Brought to you by:
Vice-head of Urology, Region Hospital Ceske Budejovice, Asst. Professor, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University Prague,
Czech Republic
Associate Professor of Urology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Urology,
Chief of the Lithotripsy and Endourology Department, La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital University,
Chief of Department of Urology, Biruni University, Medical School, Istanbul,
Our second “COVID-19 Spotlight on Urology” webinar focused on the USA yet attracted viewers from 22 countries across the globe! Our expert panel of urologists from New York, Indiana and California discussed various aspects of the “new normal” in urology; from how practices in their hospitals have had to adapt to changes almost daily, to the rise of telemedicine and the increased focus on technology to provide value-based healthcare.
If you missed the webinar, you can:
Kutzmann Endowed Professor in Clinical Urology at University of California San Francisco
Michael O. Koch Professor of Urology at Indiana University School of Medicine
George F. Cahill Professor of Urology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Central European Summer Time
Our first «COVID-19 Spotlight on Urology» webinar was attended by 496 participants! Expert urologists from COVID-19 hotspots like China, Italy, Spain and Turkey, discussed how the virus has affected the practice of urology in their countries. They shared war stories of how some of their hospitals were converted to treat COVID-19 patients, and how their personal urology practices were affected by the changes. On the management of urology patients on their long waiting lists, they felt that non-invasive stone treatment options had a role to play, in addition to other minimally invasive stone procedures — depending on local guidelines.
Chief of Department of Urology, Biruni University, Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey
Associate Professor and Chair of Urology at Università Federico II, Napoli, Italy
Chairman of Department of Urology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University China
Head of Stone and Endourology at Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain
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