- Lasers
Dornier Thulio® in-vivo efficiency & safety for stone lithotripsy
Dornier Thulio® offers effective and safe laser lithotripsy, fulfilling the criteria of an ideal laser.
Lancio globale
With insights from the world’s largest kidney stone patient community
Con il contributo della nostra comunità digitale di urologia
Migliorate le vostre conoscenze con gli approfondimenti clinici dei nostri esperti.
Dornier Thulio® offers effective and safe laser lithotripsy, fulfilling the criteria of an ideal laser.
Dornier Thulio® offers a safe and effective option for laser enucleation of the prostate with high postoperative patient satisfaction.
Dornier Thulio, the new pulsed-Tm:YAG laser, is capable of efficiently dusting all seven common human urinary stone compositions.
Dornier Thulio, the new pulsed-Tm:YAG laser, is a safe and effective source for endocorporeal laser lithotripsy (ELL) during retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS).
Across 109 tracked stone and BPH cases, physicians were highly satisfied with Thulio’s performance and capabilities.
p-Tm:YAG exhibits higher coagulation performance and better fragmentation efficiency.
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