Thought Leadership

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Frequent and Consistent Content Keeps Your Audience Interested

Struggling to maintain your audience’s attention? You might not be posting enough! ​

We’ve found that our Worst Pain Ever community engages more with our content when we post daily. On the other hand, an infrequent posting schedule led to a higher number of unfollows. ​

Remember to update your page as frequently as possible, without compromising on quality! ​

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When It Comes to Building Your Online Presence, Quantity Doesn’t Mean Quality!

Earning your audience’s trust is an important step in enhancing your online presence. ​

According to our 2022 Dornier Global Urology Survey, the top three qualities kidney stone patients look for in a urologist are high skills level, responsiveness and good bedside manners. Let these traits shine through with quality, informative posts that both educate and entertain. ​

Get more patient insights from our 2022 Global Urology Survey

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Capture Your Audience’s Attention With Dynamic Content

In building the world’s largest online kidney stone patient community, we’ve found that dynamic, meaningful content keeps our audience engaged. Open new outlets for conversation by exploring different social media formats such as GIFs and blog posts! ​

Which is your favorite social media format?

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Highest Increase in Reported Burnouts for Outpatient Clinics and Hospitals

Outpatient clinics and Hospitals saw the highest increase in reported burnout according to Medscape’s 2022 report on Physician Burnout and Depression.

The survey of 13,000 physicians in the USA also revealed the largest contributor to burnout by far was bureaucratic tasks like charting and paperwork. How can we free physicians from such tasks so they can focus on what they do best?


Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2022: Stress, Anxiety, and Anger


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For Better Engagement on Facebook, Tackle Your Patients’ Biggest Concerns: Stone Pain and Stent Pain

On the world’s largest kidney stone patient community, content addressing these issues gain significantly more attention, driving high patient engagement. ​Address these concerns to enhance your Facebook presence and build rapport with your patients!​

Learn more here on: Kidney Stone – Worst Pain Ever

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Reaching out to patients on Facebook? Keep your language simple

Medical jargon can be helpful in a clinical setting, but on Facebook, it can lead to a 56% loss in patient engagement! ​

We ran an experiment on the world’s largest kidney stone patient community and found that patients were more engaged when we used layman terms.​ Our takeaway? It’s easy to hold people’s attention, if your posts are easy to understand.

Read more here on: « Worst Pain Ever »


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