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Thulio Holmium YAG laser

Laser Thulium dengan Teknologi Terdepan RealPulse®

Laser berdaya tinggi dengan 100 W
untuk kebutuhan terapi batu dan BPH Anda

Kemampuan pemecah batu lebih optimal1

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Why Thulio

55% dengan Captive Mode memberikan lebih banyak energi kontrol®

*kontrol lebih besar karena retropulsi hingga 55% lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan Ho:YAG

7X kekuatan lebih tinggi*4
dengan peningkatan energi penghancur berpengalaman

*dibandingkan dengan TFL

Dusting lengkap dengan 7 komposisi batu saluran kemih manusia yang umum3

*300 Hz vs. 100 Hz (Ho:YAG)

Teknologi RealPulse® Thulio memungkinkan enukleasi endoskopi anatomi prostat

Perubahan Laser Thulium

Imageasset 15.svg
Gelombang terusan Tm:YAG Laser

Penerapan energi terusan memungkinkan kinerja pemotongan dan koagulasi lebih unggul.

Laser Fiber Thulium Pulsed

Energi pulsed rendah dan frekuensi tinggi menghasilkan proses pecahan lebih sangat halus.

RealPulse® Tm:YAG Laser

Teknologi RealPulse® Dornier Thulio memberikan daya tertinggi di antara laser Thulium lainnya, yang digunakan untuk penanganan batu dan BPH4.

SATU laser
untuk kebutuhan berbagai kasus batu dan BPH

Kemudahan penuh dan pilihan , dengan beragam parameter penggunaan laser untuk kebutuhan perawatan Anda.

Mobile Thulio 1.png
Imageasset 14@2x.png
Dusting Mode.png
Fragmenting Mode@2x.png
Captive Fragmenting 2@2x.png
Enucleation Mode@2x.png
Soft Tissue Mode@2x.png

Posisi Thulio® Berdiri Di Antara Teknologi Laser

Media penguatan
aktif laser

Panjang gelombang

(max.) [W]

Daya tertinggi (max.) [W]

Bentuk pulsa skematis

Asset 4@4x.png

Thulium doped YAG crystal (Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet)

λ = 2013 nm



Graphic 3.png
Asset 4@4x 2.png

Thulium doped
silica fiber

λ = 1940 nm



Graphic 2.png
Asset 6@4x.png

Holmium doped YAG crystal (Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet)

λ = 2100 nm

20 - 1504

1,800 - 14,5004

Graphic 1.png

Schematic illustrations of laser cavities.

Illustrations adopted from Traxer, O., Keller, E.X. Thulium fiber laser: the new player for kidney stone treatment? A comparison with Holmium:YAG laser. World J Urol 38, 1883–1894 (2020).

Posisi Thulio® Berdiri Di Antara Teknologi Laser

Thulio M 1.png

Number 1 Thulio®
Thulium:YAG laser with RealPulse® technology

Laser active gain medium

Thulium doped
YAG crystal
(Yttrium-Aluminium -Garnet)


λ = 2013 nm

Power (max.) [W]


Peak power (max.) [W]


Schematic pulse shape

Graphic 3.png

Schematic illustrations of laser cavities.

Illustrations adopted from Traxer, O., Keller, E.X. Thulium fiber laser: the new player for kidney stone treatment? A comparison with Holmium:YAG laser. World J Urol 38, 1883–1894 (2020).

Dapatkan pengalaman terbaik dari kedua* didunia

Both Worlds E1697684421959.png
Blue Desktop Id@2x 1 E1701718848810.png
Plus Circle Mid.png
Green Desktop Id@2x 1 E1701718913699.png
Blue M Id@2x.png
Plus Circle Mid.png
Green M Id@2x.png
Both Worlds Mobile.png

* Holmium:YAG & Thulium Fiber Laser

Rasakan Performa Terbaik

Thulio Holmium YAG laser
Tangguh danLaser CompactMenawarkan 100 Wdengan Langkah mudah.Modifikasi sederhana danmudah untuk dipindahkan,dengan kelistrikan standar.*antara urologi dan batu/BPH laser perawatan dengan daya 100 W ke atas
Ergonomis danmudah digunakan,dengan Tampilan LayarnyaBerinteraksi dengan mudah-didukung oleh navigasidapat diputar luas,dengan layar sentuh.Beralih di antarapengaturan yang telah dipilihsebelumnya dengan mudahdengan fungsi footswitchdan layar terpisah.
Cerdas, dua pilihanpedal kakiPilih dengan mudah darisatu yang telah ditentukansebelumnya mode ke modelainSesuaikan parameterpengaturan dengan mudahdengan pedal kaki
Thulio Holmium YAG laser

Tangguh dan Laser Compact

Menawarkan 100 W dengan Langkah mudah.

Modifikasi sederhana dan mudah untuk dipindahkan, dengan kelistrikan standar.

*antara urologi dan batu/BPH laser perawatan dengan daya 100 W ke atas

Ergonomis dan mudah digunakan, dengan Tampilan Layarnya

Berinteraksi dengan mudah-didukung oleh navigasi dapat diputar luas, dengan layar sentuh.

Beralih di antara pengaturan yang telah dipilih sebelumnya dengan mudah dengan fungsi footswitch dan layar terpisah.

Cerdas, dua pilihan pedal kaki

Pilih dengan mudah dari satu yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya mode ke mode lain

Sesuaikan parameter pengaturan dengan mudah dengan pedal kaki

1. Petzold, R., Miernik, A., & Suarez-Ibarrola, R. (2021). In Vitro Dusting Performance of a New Solid State Thulium Laser Compared to Holmium Laser Lithotripsy. J Endourol, 35(2), 221-225. | 2. Petzold, R., Miernik, A., & SuarezIbarrola, R. (2021). Retropulsion force in laser lithotripsy-an in vitro study comparing a Holmium device to a novel pulsed solidstate Thulium laser. World J Urol, 39(9), 3651-3656. | 3. Kwok, JL., Ventimiglia, E., De Coninck, V. et al. (2023) Pulsed thulium:YAG laser—ready to dust all urinary stone composition types? Results from a PEARLS analysis. World J Urol 41, 2823–2831. | | 4. Ventimiglia, E., Robesti, D., Bevilacqua, L. et al. (2023) What to expect from the novel pulsed thulium:YAG laser? A systematic review of endourological applications. World J Urol. | 5. Data on file at Dornier MedTech | 6. Yilmaz, M., Esser, J., Kraft, L. et al. Experimental ex-vivo performance study comparing a novel, pulsed thulium solid-state laser, chopped thulium fibre laser, low and high-power holmium:YAG laser for endoscopic enucleation of the prostate. World J Urol 40, 601–606 (2022). 03825-z

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©2023 Dornier MedTech. All rights reserved. The contents herein and product shown (including its design, specifications and functions) are subject to change without prior notice. Dornier Thulio®, Captive®, RealPulse® are registered trademarks of Dornier MedTech and its use throughout this document is protected. The information contained in this material is for information purposes only and provided “as is”. without any warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose and/or correctness. The actual product may vary from the images shown.

The product shown is only offered in jurisdictions where it may be legally offered. Please check availability with your local sales representative or customer service.

Dornier Performance FlexFiber Collection

Dornier Thulio's fiber portfolio covers a wide range of sizes and various designs to meet your needs and preferences. Built for precision and best energy transmission, our fibers support your treatment goals.
In addition, the popular Performance GentleFlex fiber features a rounded distal tip that protects your flexible endoscope during insertion.
The Dornier Thulio's fiber portfolio is built for ideal energy transmission and performance:

• Single-use fibers to facilitate convenient handling and prevent cross-contamination

• Re-usable fibers designed for reliability and durability

• Sizes ranging from 270 slim μm to 1000 μm to suit your preferences and support you in every application


Our new Thulium Laser Technology:
The Secret of RealPulse®

We reimagined Thulium laser technology by integrating the features we love most – peak performance, versatility in clinical application and smart design.
By combining a Tm:YAG crystal with our pulsed diode technology, RealPulse® was invented to offer the best of all worlds.

Reliable and precise​

Experience targeted and controlled laser applications with our forward-looking pulsed Tm:YAG technology.


Big in power, small in size ​

With our unique alignment and control of the diodes, we produced a powerful 100 W laser with drastically reduced size.

Developed in-house with our industry-established German engineering, Thulio offers an extensive range of settings (e.g. up to 300 Hz).

OUR most compact 100 W laser for your stone and BPH treatment needs

We’re here to help.

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